Shifting the C-Word…And, it’s Affect on Your Health

Words mean things, but more importantly words make us feel things, whether we are aware of it or not.  Every thought, word and deed has a energetic frequency that affects us all…..individually and collectively…. through vibrational resonance or dissonance. Some words, both positive and negative, are felt subtly while others can create a clear emotional or visceral reaction.

Over time, repetitive words or phrases, especially ones with strong emotions attached, can actually create an embedded energetic patterning that is continuously looping throughout our nervous system forcing it to respond in basically one of two ways….survival (fight or flight) or thrival(rest and digest).

2 things to know about our nervous system:

  • It cannot be in both flight/fight and rest/digest at the same time
  • We are designed to be in rest/digest the majority of time only jumping to flight/fight when there is a real or perceived, emergency 

In our ‘sky is falling’ culture, it can appear that everything is an emergency that we must overcome or ‘survive’, leaving most folks stuck in fight/flight 24/7.  This can create inappropriate chemical responses (hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, etc.), leading to over or under stimulation and ultimate exhaustion of one or more systems, resulting in symptoms and dis-ease due to the inability to rest/digest/heal.

Good news…’s all Shiftable, starting now!

Let’s start with shifting the ‘C-Word’… know, the one with a dash and double digit that we are being continuously bombarded with…. and it’s impact on our nervous system and health.  Suffice it to say….because there so many emotions and vibration around that word alone, it can have a HUGE impact on multiple levels of our physiology, regardless of our level of involvement with the illness itself. We have found this to be very true with most of my clients receiving remote B.E.S.T. treatments. Just having them think the C-word activates a feeling in one or more areas in their body that once we identify, can then clear. The trick is not allowing it get stuck in the system again which is why we came up with the idea of shifting the word that can vibe at a completely different frequency.

In contemplating what to shift the old C-word to, the word Catalyst-20 appeared. It doesn’t matter who or where we are, the current circumstance can certainly be a catalyst for our growth and evolution, if we will allow it.

Whether you use catalyst-20 or something else, the invitation is to interrupt the use of the old C-word as often as possible to help break up the disruptive patterns in the brain and body. Perhaps ask a friend or family member to join you in the game of elimination and shift by consciously eliminating and/or shifting the energy around the word as quickly as possible, using a shift in thought, your breath or simply shaking it off.

Have some fun in noticing the number of times it pops up and/or opportunities to shift it.

Live Awake…..Have Fun!

He Said, She Heard

Good communication is the gateway to everything from relationships to entertainment to prosperity and even to our health.  When cells, people, computers, reporters, etc. aren’t providing clear communication, information is skewed creating misunderstandings, dis-ease, frustration, and estrangement. 

A common theme I encounter in my coaching practice is stress around poor communication whether it be in the family, at a job or with a friend. The old favorite ‘she (he) said, he (she) heard’ gerbil wheel gets the award as the most frustrating since there never seems to be a resolution as it continues on into infinity. The good news is once we move from being in it or being right about it and move into observation of it, we can pick up the needle to play a new song; we basically need to change the frequency around it so it can be received on a new wavelength.  

Due to our history with someone and the personal filters we bring to any given moment, we can literally be speaking two completely different vibrational languages that can’t be heard on our individual radio stations.  Have you ever come to a conversation planning to share from your heart with love and compassion only to have it go a sideways, perhaps even resulting in slammed doors and the familiar accusations of ‘you always do this’, ‘you never do that’ or my personal fave, ‘you just don’t get it….whatever’ still hanging in the air!  Apparently, the recipient of your loving share was somewhere else altogether and just couldn’t receive the message.  This is just one example of energetic dissonance.

So, how do you shift such an experience to create energetic resonance…one that is cohesive, integrated. in harmony and most importantly, heard? There are many, but there is one particular mantra that I’ve been sharing with clients for the last 14 years that has been particularly helpful that I thought I’d share with you.   

As with any mantra/intention, repetition is key so put this in motion often and well in advance of any planned conversation or presentation, or as a blanket intention for when the moment arises. So, here it is…

I allow my words to come (or, I speak my truth)  with grace, ease, clarity and confidence and received with same. 

Feel free to change the vibrations to fit your needs and personality, but the last three words are paramount…don’t leave those out! This allows the energy to arrange itself in advance so your receiver is on the same wavelength making it easier to be heard. As you think it/say it over and over again, try to activate the feelings you’d like to experience when it goes as you desire. For example, if you wish the outcome to produce feelings of ease and joy, imagine what that will feel like in your body and produce it while repeating the statement.  Yes, you are making it up! That is how it works. Live Awake…in JOY!

When Reality Becomes Really Real

As an enlightened, empowered and awakened individual, what do you do when reality becomes really real? 

As we continue to evolve in consciousness and learn to live by such empowering concepts as:

~I create my own reality
~Everything that shows up is a vibrational match to what I am ‘putting out there’
~Its’ all good and part of a Divine Unfolding ‘for’ my growth and evolution

When shift happens, it becomes easier to manage than staying stuck in:

~Life is just so hard…
~Blaming others for our misery
~I can’t afford, I will never have enough, I wish I could…
~Bad things always happen to me…

Learning to manage life from a ‘higher self’ perspective takes practice and does get easier over time, ultimately allowing more ease and grace in daily living.

But, what about those times when reality becomes really real? For example, how do we stay empowered when a close friend is undergoing brain surgery to remove a huge tumor while  at the same time, my community is holding space for a small child who is in critical condition or when other seemingly needless and tragic experiences quickly knocks us out of alignment? Our auto response as caring, compassionate human beings is of course, worry, upset, sadness, fear, anger, etc.  I mean, these are terrible and hard things….we should feel this way…..right?

Awareness is half the battle: The two examples mentioned above were really real for me last week and as I sat on my dock with my feelings of helplessness, I became very aware of my mind’s auto response to low frequency thoughts and emotions by how they felt in my body. After allowing myself to feel and release what needed to be felt and released, I then felt a strong nudge to shift my perspective and to re-align with the energy of ‘All That Is’ through the vibrations of gratitude and awe. Admittedly, due to past programming, there was a twinge of guilt as I ‘felt bad’ for allowing myself to not ‘feel bad’ that these circumstances were occurring.

Aligning in service. Realizing that no one is served by limiting our faith or worrying about things beyond our control, we can choose to be in greater service for all involved by enhancing and expanding our own healing frequency of love, sending it out for all to use. By seeing ourselves as the electro-magnetic conduits of light and love that we are, while using our embodiment tools to get the cells in our body expanding, vibrating and buzzing at the highest frequency possible, we align with a Higher Power and be of greater support.

Awe of the Magnificence: Once I envisioned these two circumstances in their highest potential and began to really feel the awe of the magnificence of every little thing around me, I was able to quickly move into the alignment of trust that all is exactly as it is supposed to be…rather than in any judgement or belief that it just ‘shouldn’t be this way’.  As soon as I felt myself shift within at the core of my being, just like magic, several dolphins began frolicking right off the dock, leading me to into a stronger trust that there truly is a Divine Unfolding and that all will be well…..even when we don’t understand how or why. When reality get really real for you, allow yourself time to feel and release what needs to be felt and released. Then check in and become aware of any low vibrational thoughts and emotions, choose to align with your Higher Power and be in awe of the magnificence that is all around…it really is real!

It’s Simply Magic…By Design

Over the years, as I have learned about bioenergetics, pain/stress/energy management, quantum science and vibrational medicine, I have come to the conclusion that it’s all simply magic, defined as “an extraordinary power from a supernatural source.”

The four statements that make up the foundation of how I live and coach are:

1. Everything is energy, including you and me,

2. Every single thing is designed in perfection,

3. We create our own reality through the vibration of our thoughts, words and deeds,

4. The power of “all that is” is the same power as the Divine.

And, taking it even deeper, inside the smallest particle known to man is nothing but pure light essence that is measured as the vibrational equivalent to “love” which happens to also be the power of “all that is” which has many names, including God. God is light, God is love, God is the ultimate power, God is creation, etc. Even in its smallness, it’s bigger than our human linear mind can even fathom, yet we all know it deep inside because it is encoded in our DNA, our subconscious, the Bible, our soul perspectives and even our thoughts to ultimately create our daily reality of health, relationships, choices and behaviors. It’s so simple even in all its magnificent complexity.

As you try this little experience, check in and feel how it lands in your body and mind. Make an “O” with the thumb and forefinger of each hand, keeping them several inches apart. These circles represents the energy fields surrounding the egg and the sperm that came together to grow you, making your spine, kidneys, finger nails, etc.  Begin bringing the two energy fields closer together until their fields begin to interconnect. Stop as soon as you see the light between the circles. Now, just imagine the magnificent spark, like two wires or maybe stars coming together which then connects those two perfect cells that knew exactly what do to create YOU right on schedule. Magic … by design! Did you feel a spark ignite anywhere in your body?

As electromagnetic beings, everything within and around us is ignited by a spark of some form that creates a connection for something remarkable to happen, like the ability to scratch our nose, blink, heal a wound or to feel love.   In our body, these sparks are called electrical impulses, synapses, neuro transmitters, and they ignite to activate communication within all parts of us — including our muscles, organs, glands, the brain and spine and our heart — all without us having to tell it to, at least not with our conscious mind. These sparks are automatic; it’s the vibration of the spark that determines how well our system is communicating. Greater vitality ignites a greater spark ultimately enhancing communication within the system, creating greater health and happiness.

One way to support the magic is simply noticing what is going on within and around us and making conscious choices about what we put into our mind and body that will enhance the sparks. Simply being in awe of the magnificence on a regular basis allows those sparks to really ignite, creating even more magic … by design.

So, take some time to pause and just watch a bird fly or a tree sway in the wind, notice the twinkle in someone’s eye when they laugh, feel your feet as you walk along the pavement or barefoot in the grass, see how wide your face stretches when you smile, stare at the sky and imagine what it would feel like to fly, feel your breath in every crevice of your body or truly allow yourself to open your heart to receive love. Simply notice how many magical moments you have in an hour, day, week or month, and before you know it, you can’t experience life any other way.

Live Awake … Have Fun!

Suffering, Struggling or Just Barely Surviving?

Then Change States! Depending on your current life disposition, some of you may hear this statement as “pack your bags and move to Nebraska” if life isn’t happening as you had always hoped. Hopefully, more of you heard, “if you want something different to occur in your life, change your state of being.” How you heard this statement will speak volumes about your level of awareness and how you are thinking. So, without judgment, simply “check in” to where your mind took you when you read the headline of the article.

While listening to one of my quantum science gurus, I received a major “ah-ha” that I intend to share in a way that creates immense change in many lives immediately, so here goes. Your personality is your personal reality and if you wish to create change, you must create a new personality, otherwise you continue to create your same reality.

So, without moving to a new state in the Union, we have to create union with a new state of being; one that will create change in our patterns, habits and reactions.OK, so what does that mean? Our personality is the cumulative repetition of the way we think, act and feel based on our environment, circumstances and conditions in our personal reality.  When we repeat the same thoughts, we make the same choices, generate the same behaviors, have the same experiences, produce the same emotions, which in turn form the same thoughts — and around and around we go for days, weeks, months, years, and decades creating the same personal reality. So we wake up one day and decide we are ready to create change in our life, yet we don’t change our habits then we get frustrated that change isn’t occurring. We humans are so quirky, aren’t we? But, we come by it honestly because we were never taught to do it any differently … until now.

A state of being is when mind and body are working together to align with a specific destiny. Let’s look at some basic concepts. Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body.  Our thoughts produce an immediate chemical reaction in the brain which then stimulates a feeling in the body which then creates a similar thought producing the same feeling, creating the thought, then the feeling and over time creates memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, habits and our personal state of being.  So, if we are to create any change in our life, we have to create new thoughts in order to create new feelings, etc.  But how?

The first step is to shift the paradigm of “cause and effect” into “cause an effect.”  We have been raised in a culture that when good things happen, then we can be happy.  What if we could just be happy and begin to observe what happens in our lives?  Quantum law tells us that our environment is an extension of our mind and that if we want our environment to change, we have to change our minds or our thoughts.  This is contrary to the old way of thinking that we are a victim to what is happening to us externally.  Feels quite different, don’t you think?

The brain doesn’t know the difference between what is real or what is imagined, so if you are ready to create change, begin by imagining a new state of being.  If time, money and circumstances were not a factor, what would you love to be, do or have in your life?  Allow yourself to dream big, visualizing with full color and features, until you can feel it in your body and repeat as often as you can.  Creating new thoughts and patterns will create new feelings, producing new thoughts, stimulating new feelings, and so on and so on, until new patterns, attitudes, and behaviors emerge. Now, we have a new state of being. Give it a try.

Live Awake … Have Fun!

If I Knew Then, What I Know Now…

Do you ever wish you could have a “do over” of experiences in your past? As it turns out, you can — it is called imagination.  The brain records everything in present time and doesn’t know the difference between what we perceive and what is imagined — they both create neural pathways that affect our health, behaviors, relationships and even our surroundings.

We can go back to any experience recorded from our past, even decades ago, that at the time we judged as “bad” or “wrong” and imagine or re-create it with a perspective of “good” or a lesson learned and it will actually create a new network in the brain, completely altering our physiology in that milli-blip of time. We don’t change the facts, only the energy in which it is stored. Remember when we used to transfer files on our computer and the little file would dance across the screen?  Well, think about moving the story from one file to the next: from the fear file to the gratitude file just by choosing to. The trick is keeping it in the positive file.  Every time we pull it out and express it from the victim perspective, we dump it right back in affecting our life all over again.

At the risk of being repetitive, remember that everything in all of creation is energy including every thought, feeling, word and deed. Simply put, positive energy is expansive and alive with frequency while negative energy is contractive and sluggish in frequency.  Every experience is neutral until you decide which charge to attach to it — positive or negative — and that perception immediately translates into your physical body as either one of survival (contractive) or ease (expansive). As an example, 20 people can witness the same car accident: Five of them put the event in their fear file as it could’ve been them; five will walk away in gratitude that it wasn’t them; five will walk away worried about the victims; and five will just be ticked off that they are late for work. Same experience, different perspectives, with each one being correct for each person.

Every experience we have ever had — including everything we have ever seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled — gets filed in our mental hard drive (aka the brain) based on the perspective that we deemed appropriate in the moment, even the ones that belonged to the “big people” who were in our lives during our early years. These files set up a neural pathway or network that is instantly retrieved for future use, whether it be for learning, becoming proficient in a hobby or sport, determining the best course of action in a project, or just basic survival. These pathways also have an energy attached that will emit into our physical body or surroundings. Those experiences that we perceived as negative, with either great intensity or long duration, can set up a message into the body that over time can become a symptom, habit or behavior that we wish we didn’t have. So, an experience that created immense fear for a short time can get us just as stuck in the mental hard drive as long-term worry.  Both can set up a mental loop that can lead to such things as tight muscles, high blood pressure, self-sabotage or procrastination.

Think about an experience that you wish had never happened and tune into how it feels in the body.  Notice how fast you were able to retrieve that stored memory? Think about the gazillion stored memories that we judged as negative in our lifetime that are controlling our physiology 24/7. Eewwwhhh — not interested in that.

So, knowing what we know now about the brain, we can go back to an experience and, without changing the facts, see the lesson or look at it again through the lens of forgiveness, gratitude, love, peace or joy, creating a brand new neural pathway in the brain, allowing for more appropriate physiology. Aahh, that feels better already.

Live Awake … Have Fun.

Awaken to the BEST in YOU!

Wake up, wake up, wake up I say!  Apparently, as a small child, this was how I nudged people in my family to get them to stir, but my mouth couldn’t form the “w” well so it sounded more like “ake up.” Don’t you just love those family stories about experiences that you can’t even recall and haven’t a clue whether they are true or not? Either way, they have landed in the legacy file that we carry with us throughout life only to pull out from time to time, sometimes when we least expect it, like right now as I write about awakening.

So, are you awake? If not, what will it take to nudge you?  And, if yes, then how awake are you? I believe each one of us goes through many stages of wakefulness in our life experience, often dancing back and forth through those phases based on our perspective of what is happening at that particular time.

There are times we feel like we just woke up from a long, hard slumber and it takes a while to get our bearings on where we are and how we got here. Often, our surroundings don’t feel familiar and we have a difficult time focusing. Maybe we feel a little stiff and sluggish as we begin moving our body in an attempt to get clarity of the moment. As we proceed, we feel like we are still in a dream or, at times, a nightmare and spend the rest of the day wishing we could go back to sleep where we don’t have to think or be what we don’t authentically feel is real. This state of wakefulness can last a day for some or weeks, months, years or decades for others.

The next stage usually begins when something really big happens in our life, like an illness, a tragedy, a job loss, divorce or financial failure, but awakening usually doesn’t happen right away.  At first, as we seek help from family, friends, counselors, sermons or books, we will begin getting information on how to deal with our particular problem and through that begin to see a glimmer of hope and trust that life doesn’t have to be so hard and that healing can occur. Then, we begin feeling our own nudges within to learn more, prompting a desire to take action, resulting in an awakening to our personal power to create change in our lives. Maybe we begin by fueling our body with better nutrition or moving our body in ways we never knew we could move or begin hanging around with more joyful people. Whatever the catalyst, there comes a time where we begin to look at that really big thing that happened as a gift that prompted the next phase of our growth and evolution as a human being and we feel alive again.

Once truly awake, we notice that we move through our day with a little more ease and focus, we find we are more grateful for the simple things in life, enjoy learning new things or taking on new activities. We generally feel better than we thought we could just a short time ago.

Then, as life will happen, we often find ourselves getting distracted and falling away from those things that helped us to feel better or we just feel “stuck” and have a hard time remembering how good we felt just a short time ago and suddenly we are back in our slumber again as the cycle repeats.  But the good news is that it usually won’t take another huge life event to create the wake-up call, but rather the ability to sense and follow the nudges more clearly and quickly to get back on track with what we know helps us to feel better.  Life is so much more fun when we are awake, so wake up, wake up, wake up, I say!  Live Awake … Have Fun!