Welcome! Whether you already know me or are just about to, the one thing you know or will discover is that I am uber passionate about the human mind, body and spirit! And, hopefully, I will inspire the same for YOU!

Awareness * Alignment * Awe

The human mind, body and spirit has an amazing capacity for self-healing once obstacles are removed and balance is restored.

If you were to ask me ‘what exactly do you do’?, I’d likely respond with ‘I teach awareness’. Over the last 29 years in the healing arts, I’ve likely said no fewer than a gazillion times…. “Awareness is half the battle….if you’re not aware of the detriments you are doing with your mind and body, how can you ever change it’? So, when folks come to me, I warn them that I am an educator and while I have many modalities under my belt to support their healing, I am not there to ‘fix’ them. Because they (not me) live in their own body/mind 24/7, I share simple tools and strategies that supports alignment whether it be postural/structural, muscular, fascial, emotional, spiritual, mental, or chemical that they can implement for themselves between sessions.

The human mind, body and spirit has an amazing capacity for self-healing, once obstacles are removed and balance is restored. Whether we are clearing subconscious blocks, re-setting the nervous system, working out kinks in the muscles, or identifying and dissolving dysfunctional patterns in the bioenergetic system, our ultimate goal is balance then healing becomes automatic…by design!

After nearly three decades of working with the human mind/body spirit, I continue to revel in the awe of it’s magnificent design and ability to heal, and would love to inspire the same for YOU!